The Museum has started a major 5-year redevelopment of our Rolleston Avenue site. The staff and the collection have moved to off-site office and storage in Hornby. It's a very exciting project, but it does mean that some of our services will continue to be affected.
Canterbury potters view ceramics from the collection.

We will respond to public enquiries as soon as possible. However if we need to physically access the collection to answer your enquiry, there may be delays. One of the team will keep you informed of progress.
Research Access
We have limited capacity for In-person research access to the collection. It may be difficult to provide access to some collections. Please contact us to discuss your request.
Taonga Māori Access
We can provide access to taonga or loans however there are still limitations as some of the collection may not be immediately accessible. The Museum will continue to assess found taonga Māori (taonga tūturu). See here for more details of what to do if you find taonga tūturu.