Do you have an eagle eye for a good photograph and fancy getting your talons around a great prize? Then enter your best wildlife snaps in our Amazing Animals photo competition.

The best pictures taken this year will win prizes and be displayed at Canterbury Museum at CoCA. The competition is open to all Canterbury photographers. If you need inspiration, visit the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition to see the world’s best animal photographs.
To enter Amazing Animals, send up to five of your best animal photographs to before 28 July 2024. Your email should include your name, age (if under 18 years) and contact details. Make sure your photos are bigger than 1MB but smaller than 10MB; JPEG files; free of any borders, watermarks or signatures and were taken after 1 July 2023.
There are three categories to enter: 10 years and under, 11 to 17 years, and 18 years and over. The winning entries in each category will receive a $100 Prezzie Card and the runners-up a $50 Prezzie Card.
See below for full terms and conditions.
Terms & Conditions of Entry
The organiser of the competition is the Canterbury Museum Trust Board (the Organiser). All entries must represent animals as authentically as possible, free from excessive digital manipulation and with total regard for the welfare of the animals.
- Entries may be submitted until 5.00 pm on Sunday 28 July 2024. No entries will be accepted after this.
- All entries must be submitted via email to The entrants name, age if under 18 years, telephone number and email must be included with entry.
- All entrants must be amateur photographers. Prizes will be awarded in three categories – 10 years and under, 11 years to 17 years and 18 years and over.
- Entrants must live in Canterbury at time of entry. Proof of residential address may be required.
- Photographs must have been taken after 1 July 2023.
- Each entrant may submit up to five photographic entries.
- Photos must be submitted as JPEG files. Minimum file size 1MB. Maximum 10MB. Large files may need to be emailed separately.
- If the Organiser is unable to open or upload an entry because of technical issues, the Organiser reserves the right to exclude the entry. No correspondence will be entered into with the entrant.
- Images that are obviously heavily digitally altered will not be accepted.
- For the competition, animals include domestic and non-domestic animals (includes insects and birds).
- Entrants agree to be contacted by the Organiser regarding this competition.
- No correspondence will be entered into if an entry is not selected as a winner.
- The judging panel will include a professional photographer, a Museum curator and a member of the Canterbury Museum Exhibitions team. The judges’ decisions are final.
- The entrant consents to these terms and conditions by emailing the image(s) to the competition address.
- By uploading the image, the entrant asserts that they are the copyright holder and grants permission to the Canterbury Museum Trust Board to reproduce, either through print or electronically their entry for display or use in marketing, promotion, or any other non-commercial activity.
- The entrant must be the original author of the work entered as described in the Copyright Act 1994. Any attempts at plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
- The Organiser acknowledges the moral rights provisions of the Copyright Act 1994 including the entrant’s right to be identified as the author of the work and the right to object to derogatory treatment of the work. To preserve the artistic integrity of the entry, no work will be intentionally edited, altered, demeaned of misrepresented in any way.
- It is the entrant’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate written permission from people, or owners of property, animals or plants that are identifiable in their work. The entrant must produce evidence of that consent to the organisers if requested.
- The entrant fully indemnifies the Organiser against any claims arising from the display or use of unaltered work as described herein and from the infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party.
- Employees of the Canterbury Museum Trust Board and their immediate families are not eligible to enter the competition. Immediate family refers to siblings, parents, children, or spouses/partners.
- Prizes are non-transferable and not redeemable for cash.